
Beitrag in Sammelwerk (1)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Ralf Michaels, Re-Placements. Jurisdiction for Contracts and Torts under the Brussels I Regulation when Arts. 5(1) and 5(3) do not Designate a Place in a Member State, in: Arnaud Nuyts, Nadine Watté (Hrsg.), International Civil Litigation in Europe and Relations with Third States, Bruylant, Brussels 2005, 129–156.

Zeitschriftenartikel (3)

Ralf Michaels, The Re-State-ment of Non-State Law. The State, Choice of Law, and the Challenge from Global Legal Pluralism, Wayne law review 51 (2005), 1209–1259.
Ralf Michaels, Profile: Arthur Taylor von Mehren, International Law Forum du Droit International 7 (2005), 213–218.
Ralf Michaels, Welche Globalisierung für das Recht? Welches Recht für die Globalisierung? (review essay), Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 69 (2005), 525–544.

Rezension (1)

Ralf Michaels, Mistake, Fraud, and Duties to Inform in European Contract Law (Ruth Sefton-Green ed., 2005), 2005,, 2005.

Zeitungsartikel (1)

Ralf Michaels, George W. Schröder (Op-Ed), Der Tagesspiegel 22.09.2005, 10.
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