Prof. Dr. Adriana Dreyzin de Klor: Derecho internacional privado argentino aplicado


  • Datum: 27.11.2018
  • Uhrzeit: 18:00

The Argentinean Private International Law has been incorporated into the Civil and Commercial Code that entered into force in 2015. Title IV of Book 6 includes the rules on the subject and constitutes an autonomous codification of Private International Law for the first time in the Argentinean legal history. Since 2015, the national judges in their different instances, including the Argentinean Supreme Court, have established a jurisprudence that demonstrates in a meridian way the benefits of having a "quasi" systematization of the matter. This brief lecture will present the subjects on which the judicial application revolves. It will refer to those cases that have generated the most debate and that reflect the judges’ interpretation, which sometimes is far from beeing uniform.

All employees and guests of the institute as well as other interested parties are cordially invited to the lecture.

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