
Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law
Ralf Michaels, director at the Institute, has co-edited the book Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law, an interdisciplinary collection of 18 articles at the intersection of private international law (PIL) and philosophy. The articles stem from a research project established by Michaels along with Roxana Banu of Oxford University and Michael S. Green of the William and Mary Law School.
A conversation with visiting fellow María Julia Ochoa Jiménez
The Venezuelan-born legal scholar who teaches in Seville was a guest in Hamburg in June 2024, participating as a fellow in the team of Institute Director Ralf Michaels. Jiménez is researching issues relating to the restitution of cultural property of colonial origin. She is also working on a proposal for a private international law statute in Colombia.
Access to Afghan family law for legal practice
When addressing civil law issues with an international aspect, German courts frequently need to apply foreign law. For a number of years, the Institute has been supporting the resolution of family law issues relating to Iraq and Syria by making legal materials and commentaries available online in German. The information portal has now been supplemented with up-to-date information on Afghan law.

New Releases

Contribution to a Collected edition
Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm, Ralf Michaels, Towards private international law for everyone, in: Xandra Kramer, Laura Carballo Piñeiro (eds.), Research Methods in Private International Law, Elgar, Cheltenham 2024, 246–264.
Newspaper Article
Tom Hick, La mise au vert locale face aux urgences climatiques, L'Echo 07/12/2024.
Newspaper Article
Tom Hick, Groene en blauwe openbare ruimte: hoe maken we gemeentes beter bestand tegen noodweer?, Knack 07/12/2024.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Non-State Rules of Law, in: Anton Vladimirovič Asoskov, Daria Levina, Milana Karayanidi (eds.), Private International Law in Russia, Hart, London 2024.
Journal Article
Andrey Shirvindt, Die UNIDROIT-Grundregeln und ähnliche nichtstaatliche Regelwerke in der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung Russlands, Deutsch-Russische Rechtszeitschrift 9 (2024), 33–45.
Holger Fleischer, Rainer Hüttemann (eds.), Rechtshandbuch Unternehmensbewertung, 3. ed., Otto Schmidt, Köln 2024, 1722 pp.


Internationales Privatrecht – Einheitsrecht – Europäisches Privatrecht

Gedenksymposium zu Ehren von Jürgen Basedow
Nov 29, 2024 08:45 AM (Local Time Germany)
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law

The Institute

About Us
From the European Single Market to the global interweaving of multi-national businesses or financial firms to our increasingly international everyday lives, the world around us is steadily converging. At the same time, our laws are encountering the limits of their application. The Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law embraces the task of critically studying the social, economic and legal challenges of globalisation.
Library profile and holdings
The Institute library is Europe’s largest library specialising in foreign and international private law and is recognised worldwide for its scope and services. It has a collection of specialist literature from more than 200 countries around the world. The library has a particular focus on acquiring literature from countries that are not easily accessible, such that these can be gathered and made available at one location.

In the Spotlight

Academic Publishing in Transition: Open science through open access
Academic publishing and the use of academic literature are in the midst of a profound process of change. In accord with the new core principles, the results of publicly funded research should be freely accessible and participation in global academic discourse should not be dependent on having the necessary financial resources. Open access is a first and essential step towards an open science conception and structure of academic practice – and it is a model also guiding the Institute’s approach towards publication.
International Women’s Day – Perspectives on a Career in Legal Scholarship
Although the percentage of women studying law stands at roughly 60 per cent, there are still comparatively few female professors. As of 1 January 2024, Professor Anne Röthel became the first women appointed as a Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. How does she the prospects for women in the world of legal scholarship?
Institute Facts and Figures

Institute Facts and Figures

February 15, 2024
Legal research seldom boils down to numbers. But it does come with measurable parameters. Here we have assembled the most important metrics about our Institute.
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