
Beitrag in Sammelwerk (2)

Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Andrey Shirvindt, Prospects of the Russian Legal System after the Abolition of the Supreme Arbitration (Commercial) Court: Judges, Legislators and Professors, in: T. V. Nikitina (Hrsg.), Ustojčivost' v global'nom mire. Sustainability in the Global World, St. Petersburg 2015, 66–70.
Beitrag in Sammelwerk
Andrey Shirvindt, Textstufenforschung juridičeskoj romanistiki na službe u sovremennoj nauki evropejskogo častnogo prava? [Textstufenforschung of the Roman Law as a Tool of the Contemporary Science of the European Private Law?], Pravo i obšestvo: evoljucija vo vzaimodejstvii [Law and Society: Evolution in Interplay], Moskau 2015, 132–137.

Beitrag in Festschrift (1)

Beitrag in Festschrift
Andrey Shirvindt, K voprosu o vybytii vešči iz vladenija sobstvennika pomimo ego voli v kontekste ograničenija vindikacii [Involuntary Loss of Possession in the Context of the Limits of Vindication Revisited], in: M. A. Eroxova (Hrsg.), O sobstvennosti: Sbornik statej k jubileju K.I. Sklovskogo [On Ownership: Collected Papers in Honour of K.I. Sklovskij], Statut, Moskau 2015, 334–361.

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Andrey Shirvindt, Russian Contract Law for Foreigners, Russian Law Journal 3 (2015), 169–180.
Andrey Shirvindt, Ssylka na ničtožnost' sdelki kak zloupotreblenie pravom. Izobretenie sudov, zakreplennoe v zakone [Invoking Nullity as an Abuse of Right. A Brainchild of the Courts Enshrined in Statutory Law], Arbitražnaja praktika [Arbitrazh Practice] 7 (2015), 24–41.

Entscheidungsanmerkung (1)

Andrey Shirvindt, A Commentary to the Ruling of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration (Commercial) Court of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2010 No. 16996/09 [invoking nullity as an abuse of right], Pravovye pozicii Prezidiuma VAS RF [Case Law of the of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration (Commercial) Court of the Russian Federation] 2015, 485–498.

Rezension (1)

Andrey Shirvindt, Hein Kötz, Europäisches Vertragsrecht (Tübingen 2015), Vestnik graždanskogo prava [Herald of Civil Law] 4 (2015), 210–226.
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