Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law

Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law

Im Rahmen ihrer Vortragsreihe „Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law“ lädt die Forschungsgruppe "Das Recht Gottes im Wandel" regelmäßig herausragende Wissenschaftler*innen ein, die zum Familienrecht der islamischen Länder oder verwandten Themen arbeiten.


Der nächste Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law

Informationen zur nächsten Veranstaltung finden Sie hier in Kürze.

Afternoon Talks seit 2020

Shéhérazade Elyazidi: A New Theory of Family Law – Polygyny in Iraqi Kurdistan

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
05.11.2024 16:00

Hoko Horii (Leiden University): Is Child Marriage an Islamic Practice?

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
23.02.2023 16:00

Dr. iur. Bahman Khodadadi (Universität Münster): The Theocratic Agency of the Iranian Legal System at the Legislative and Judicial Levels

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
19.01.2023 16:00
Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht

PD Dr. Manfred Sing (University of Freiburg): Islamic Bioethics: Development, Characteristics, Challenges

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
06.10.2022 16:00

Professor Ahmed El Shamsy (University of Chicago): Is Islamic law ethical?

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
25.08.2022 16:00

Eirik Hovden (Universität Bergen): Waqf in Zaydi Yemen

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
28.04.2022 16:00

Nils Fischer (Vinzenz Pallotti University): Islamic Bioethics

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
17.02.2022 16:00

Dominik Krell: Islamic Governance in Saudi Arabia: Contemporary Perspectives on siyāsa sharʿiyya

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
19.08.2021 16:00

Caterina Bori (Universität Bologna): An elusive concept: Ibn Taymiyya’s vision of siyāsa shar‘iyya

Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
24.06.2021 16:00

Covid-19: implications for the application of family law in MENA countries

Virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion │ Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law
01.07.2020 14:00


Afternoon Talks 2013 - 2019


Dr. Lena Salaymeh (Tel Aviv University/MPI):
Imperialist Feminism and Islamic Law

Dr. Gianluca Parolin (Aga Khan University, London):
HD Jurisprudence. Egyptian Television Drama and Marriage Taboos

Prof. Arif A. Jamal (National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law):
Authority and Plurality in Muslim Legal Traditions: The Case of Ismaili Law

Prof. Dr. Annelies Moors (University of Amsterdam):
Problematizing unregistered marriages: The law, public debate and everyday life in the Netherlands and Palestine

Tim Knoche (Universität Heidelberg):
Islamic inheritance law in Christian wills of high medieval Toledo

Dr. Morgan Clarke (University of Oxford):
Islam and Law in Lebanon: Sharia within and without the State

Kai Kreutzberger (Auswärtiges Amt):
Annäherung an den richterlichen Bücherschrank – der Rückgriff auf verwandte Rechtsordnungen in der Gutachtenpraxis

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Maisel (Universität Leipzig):
Tribal Law and Customs: How to Repair Social Cohesion in the Niniveh Plains

Prof. Dr. Serdar Kurnaz (Akademie der Weltreligionen, Universität Hamburg):
Mechanismen der Rechtsfindung in der herrschenden sunnitischen Lehre: das Zinsverbot (ribā) in Ibn Rushds Schrift Bidāyat al-muǧtahid

Anver Emon (University of Toronto):
Jurisdictional Imaginings in Early Islamic Law

Abir Haddad (Universität zu Köln):
Das islamische Recht als geeignete Rechtsvergleichsordnung?

Prof. Dr. Norbert Oberauer (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster):
Vertragsfreiheit im islamischen Recht? Klassische Ansätze und zeitgenössische Diskurse

Suzel Roux (Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas):
Laizismus und französisches Privatrecht

Monika Lindbekk (University of Oslo):
Adjudicating Islamic Family Law in Egypt: Continuity and Rupture

Prof. Dr. Susan Rutten (Maastricht University, Faculty of Law):
Family Law Research at the Intersection of Islamic and European Normative Orders

Prof. Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim (McGill University Institute of Islamic Studies):
Care of Neglected Children in Islamic Law: The Destigmatization of Non-Normative Childhood

Prof. Haider Ala Hamoudi (University of Pittsburgh School of Law):
Exposing the Quietist Myth: Law and Shari’a in Modern Shi’i Society

Nafay Choudhury (Independent Researcher on Afghanistan, LL.B. / B.C. L. [McGill], MA [Queen's]):
Contracts as Relational Practice: Informal Busines s Arrangements of Taxi Drivers in Kabul, Afghanistan

Prof. Narendra Subramian (McGill University):
Nation and Family: Personal Law, Cultural Pluralism, and Gendered Citizenship in India

Esther van Eijk (Maastricht University):
All in the family: Muslim and Christian family law practices in Syria

Dr. Nahda Shehada (International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam):
The Differential Application of Family Law in the Sharia Courts of Gaza and Damascus

Nada Moumtaz (Ohio State University):
Beyond Practice vs. Theory in Islamic Law: The Work of Maṣlaḥa in Waqf Exchanges in the Reconstruction of Downtown Beirut

Judge Sherif Elnegahy:
Can Mediation Deliver Justice?

Dr. Leyla Dakhli (CNRS, Aix-en-Provence):
The Tunisian Revolution and the Social Transformations of the Elites

Dr. Basmah Mosleh Omair (Alsayedah Khadijah Bint Khawilid Lobbying Center Jeddah, Saudi Arabia):
Saudi Women in the National Development

Dr. Sahar Maranlou (University of Oxford):
Women’s Access to Justice in Iran

Prof. Dr. Shaheen Sardar Ali (University of Warwick, United Kingdom):
Authority and Authenticity: Shari'a Councils in Britain and Muslim Women's Rights

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim (McGill Institute of Islamic Studies, Montreal):
Child Custody in Islamic Law and the Hague Convention: Compatibilities and Tensions

Prof. Dr. Najma Moosa (University of the Western Cape, South Africa):
The Implications of the Official Designation of Imams as Marriage Officers for the Recognition of Muslim Personal Law in South Africa

Farzaneh Shakeri (University of Tehran, Iran):
Passing Iranian Mothers' Nationality to Their Children, a Critique of the Iranian Act of 24 September 2006

Prof. Dr. Yüksel Sezgin (Syracuse University, USA):
How Do Non-Muslim Democracies Apply and Regulate Islamic Law? A Comparative Analysis of Muslim Family Laws in Israel, India and Greece

Encyeh Sadr (Rechtsanwältin Teheran, Iran):
An Overview of the Oil and Gas Contracts in Iran and the Recent Developments

Prof. Dr. Ayesha Shahid (Brunel University London, Großbritannien):
Post-Divorce Maintenance for Muslim Women in Pakistan and Bangladesh: A Comparative Perspective

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