Zürcher Ausspracheabend zur Rechtsgeschichte
Universität Zürich, 2. November 2023: “Modernist Legal Thought in German-Speaking Lands” (invited lecture).
Comparative Legal History: A Conference on Themes in the Work of Jim Whitman
Yale Law School, 13.-14. Oktober 2023: “Race, Rules, and Reproduction: Ludwig Kuhlenbeck, Theodor Sternberg, and a Scandal at Lausanne” (invited conference presentation; forthcoming).
Regimes of Codification
University of Cambridge, 29. September 2023: “Law Melodies, Mnemonics, and Housewives’ Manuals: Popular Guides to the German Civil Code of 1900” (invited workshop presentation).
Symposium: Law, Conflict, and Transformation, in Celebration of Christian Joerges
University of Amsterdam, 27.-28. September 2023: “Obscure(d) Legacies of Law in Europe (invited presentation).
Forschungskolloquium zur Neueren Geschichte
Universität Bremen, 14. Dezember 2022: “Queering German Jurisprudence: Law, Gender, and Sexuality in the Years Before World War I” (invited workshop presentation).
Revisiting the Dark Legacies of Illiberalism: Varieties of Constitutionalism and Legal-Political Practices in Post-Authoritarian Europe
Imre Kertész Kolleg, Universität Jena, 2.-3. Dezember 2022: “Reckoning with Radbruch: On Continuities and Ruptures in Modern German Legal History” (invited conference presentation).
Tagung anlässlich des 100. Todestages von Eugen Ehrlich
Max-Planck-Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt, 29.-30. September 2022: „‘Schon wieder Prioritätsstreit‘: Eugen Ehrlich, Hermann Kantorowicz und die Freirechtsbewegung“ (invited conference presentation)
Legal:Inter:Faces. Ein “Netzwerk Quartäre Jurist*innenbildung” als Antwort auf die Herausforderungen der Digitalgesellschaft?
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung Bielefeld, 28.-30. September 2022: Freirecht lesen in New Haven (invited seminar presentation).
Freethought in the Long Nineteenth Century
Queen Mary University London, 9.-10. September 2022: On the Confluence of Free Law and Free Pedagogy: Ernst Fuchs’s Paper-Justice and Judge-Kingship (1907) (refereed conference presentation).
Law & Society Association Annual Meeting
Lissabon, 13.-16. Juli 2022: “The Law That We Feel Living Within Us": German Jurists and the Search for “Life" in Modern Legal Science, 1900-1946 (refereed conference presentation).
Through a Legal Lens: Law, History, and Visual Culture
Zoom seminar series, Mai-Juni 2022: Nazi Law and Visual Culture in the Exhibition Das Recht (1936) (refereed conference presentation).
Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy
Universität Wien, 28. April 2022: Free Legal Reasoning: A History (invited lecture).
Das Recht auf sexuelle Selbstbestimmung
DFG-Forschungsprojekt „Menschenrechte, queere Geschlechter und Sexualitäten seit den 1970er Jahren,“ Freie Universität Berlin, 24.-25. Februar 2022: Zwischen Rechtsmethodik und Moralwissenschaft: Kurt Hillers Das Recht über sich selbst (1908) (invited conference presentation).
Sexuality and the Law in German-Speaking Europe
German Studies Association Seminar, Indianapolis IN, 1.-4. Oktober 2021: “Alas Legal and Sexual Science Have a Lot To Do With Each Other”: Theodor Sternberg and the Rise of Charismatic Jurisprudence (refereed seminar presentation).
Dissenting Voices: European Thought between Tradition and Rupture
Birkbeck College London, Cardiff University, Universidad Complutense and University of Oslo, Zoom-Webinar, 11. Dezember 2020: “Hermann Kantorowicz, ‘Has Capitalism Failed in Law?’ (1934),” (invited seminar presentation).
German Historical Institute Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar
Villa Vigoni, Italien, 25.-29. Mai 2020: “The German Free Law Movement 1903-1918” (cancelled due to COVID-19).
Critical Legal Studies: Intellectual History and the History of the Present
Princeton University, 27.-28. Februar 2020: “Re(dis)covering German Free Law, ca. 1968” (invited conference presentation).
American Society for Legal History Annual Meeting
Boston, MA, 21.-24. November 2019: “From Free Law to Free Love: On Theodor Sternberg’s Sexological Explorations in Imperial Japan, 1935-1937” (refereed Student Research Colloquium presentation).
Law & Society Association Annual Meeting
Washington D.C., 30. Mai-2. Juni 2019: “‘But American Legal Science is Terribly Backward’: On Hermann Kantorowicz’s Attempt to Infuse “Realism” with “Some Rationalism” (refereed conference presentation).
The Making of a World Order: A Reappraisal of the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles
The American University of Paris, 23.-25. Mai 2019: “On Illiberal Internationalism and the Rise of Nazi “Life”-Law” (refereed conference presentation).
History of Sexuality & Erudition: Institutions, Texts, Practices
Princeton University, 9.-10. Mai 2019: “From Free Law to Free Love: On Theodor Sternberg’s Sexological Explorations in Imperial Japan, 1935-1937” (refereed conference presentation).
Hermann Kantorowicz (1877-1940): The Battle for Legal Science Conference
University of Helsinki, 25.-26. Oktober 2018: “But American Legal Science is Terribly Backwards: On Hermann Kantorowicz’s Attempt to Infuse “Realism” with “Some Rationalism” (invited conference presentation).
American Historical Association Annual Meeting
Washington D.C., 4.-7. Januar 2017: From “Rechtsleben” to “Lebensrecht”: On Life's Victory over Law in the Pages of the Archive for Legal and Economic Philosophy, 1907–33 (refereed conference presentation).
Hermann Kantorowicz’s Concept of Law
Universität Kiel, 17.-18. November 2017: “Many Shafts of Insight”: Reading Hermann Kantorowicz’s ‘The Definition of Law’ alongside H.L.A. Hart’s ‘The Concept of Law (invited conference presentation).
Law & Society Association Annual Meeting
Mexico City, 20.-23. Juni 2017: ‘Lücken im Recht’—On the Quest for ‘Life’ in German Legal Science, 1848-1946 (refereed conference presentation).
Modern Europe Workshop
Princeton University, 20. Oktober 2016: From “Rechtsleben” to “Lebensrecht”—On Life’s Victory over Law in the Pages of the Archive for Legal and Economic Philosophy, 1907-1933 (refereed workshop presentation).
The Making of the Humanities V Conference
Johns Hopkins University, 5.-7. Oktober 2016: From Evolutionary Functionalism to Critical Transnationalism: Comparative Legal History, 1780s to Present (refereed conference presentation).
Transatlantic Studies Association Conference
Plymouth, 4.-6. Juli 2016: Transatlantic Legalisms: Between German “Life” and American “Experience” in Early Twentieth Century Legal Thought (invited panelist D.C. Watt Panel).
European Society for Comparative Legal History Biennial Conference
Gdansk, 28. Juni-1. Juli 2016: A Tale of Two Naturalisms: Law’s Instrumentality in the Minds of Early 20th Century German and American Alternative Jurists (refereed conference presentation).
Humboldt University Berlin, 17.-19. Juni 2016: Between “Life” and “Experience”: German Free Lawyers, American Legal Realists, and the Transatlantic Turn to Jurisprudential Naturalism, 1903-1945 (refereed conference presentation).
Law and Jewish Biography—Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Jewish Legal Theorists
Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture, Leipzig, 30. Mai 2016 (via Skype): On the Jewish Roots of the German Free Law Movement: Kantorowicz, Ehrlich, Fuchs (referred workshop presentation).
Law & Society Association Annual Meeting
New Orleans, 2.-5. Juni 2016: On German “Life” and American “Experience”: German Free Law, American Legal Realism, and the Transatlantic Turn to Jurisprudential Naturalism, 1903-1934 (refereed conference presentation).
Forging Bonds Across Borders: Mobilizing for Women's Rights and Social Justice in the 19th-Century Transatlantic World
German Historical Institute, Washington D.C., 28.-30. April 2016: Strategically Navigating the Publicist Sphere: Ottilie Assing and America’s German-Intellectual Communities, 1865-1884 (refereed conference presentation; forthcoming).
Futures of Intellectual History Conference
Remarque Institute at New York University, 23.-24. Oktober 2015: Towards a “Legal Turn” in Modern Intellectual History (refereed conference presentation).
German Studies Association Annual Conference
Washington D.C., 1.-4. Oktober 2015: De-Naturalizing “American Jurisprudential Exceptionalism:” German Free Lawyers, American Legal Realists and the Transatlantic Turn to “Life,” 1903-1933 (refereed conference presentation).
International Conference “A Great Divide? America between Exceptionalism and Transnationalism”
German Historical Institute Washington D.C. & Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München, Mai 2015: De-Naturalizing “American Jurisprudential Exceptionalism:” German Free Lawyers, American Legal Realists and the Transatlantic Turn to “Life,” 1903-1933 (refereed conference presentation).