Zeitschriftenartikel (14)

Fabrizio Esposito, Leonor Gambôa Machado, Mateusz Grochowski, Será que o Direito Português confere melhor proteção aos consumidores vulneráveis que o Direito da União Europeia no contexto de cláusulas abusivas em contratos de consumo? Uma análise jurídica e económica [Does Portuguese law offer better protection to vulnerable consumers than EU law in the context of unfair terms in consumer contracts? A legal and economic analysis], Católica Law Review 6, 2 (2022), 83–111.
Fabrizio Esposito, Mateusz Grochowski, The Consumer Benchmark, Vulnerability, and the Contract Terms Transparency: A Plea for Reconsideration, European Review of Contract Law 18 (2022), 1–31.
Mateusz Grochowski, Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Francesca Lagioia, Giovanni Sartor, Algorithmic Price Discrimination and Consumer Protection. A Digital Arms Race?, Technology and Regulation, Special Issue: Should Data Drive Private Law? 2022, 36–47.
Mateusz Grochowski, Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Francesca Lagioia, Giovanni Sartor, Algorithmic Transparency and Explainability for EU Consumer Protection: Unwrapping the Regulatory Premises, Critical Analysis of Law 8 (2021), 43–63.
Mateusz Grochowski, Freedom of Contract on Crossroads: The Struggle over the Concept of Contract Liberty in 20th Century Poland, Osteuropa Recht 66 (2020), 34–53.
Mateusz Grochowski, European Consumer Law after the New Deal: A Tryptich, Yearbook of European law 39 (2020), 387–422.
Mateusz Grochowski, The majoritarian concept of default rules: towards a shift in paradigms?, Studia Prawa Prywatnego 1 (2020), 63–74.
Ewa Rott-Pietrzyk, Fryderyk Zoll, Dariusz Szostek, Mateusz Grochowski, Czynności notarialne online – podstawy de lege lata i uwagi de lege ferenda, Forum Prawnicze 4 (2020), 38–56.
Mateusz Grochowski, Inheritance of the social media accounts in Poland, European Review of Private Law 27 (2019), 1197–1208.
Mateusz Grochowski, Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka, Economic exclusion as a cascade exclusion predictor. Case study of loan companies in Poland, Polish Sociological Review 2019, 459–476.
Mateusz Grochowski, Spontaneous Order in the Sharing Economy? A Research Agenda, Studia Prawa Prywatnego 2 (2018), 75–85.
Mateusz Grochowski, The practical potential of the DCFR Judgment of the Swedish Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen) of 3 November 2009, Case T 3-08, European Review of Contract Law 9 (2013), 96–104.

Rezension (1)

Mateusz Grochowski, Deutsch-polnische Rechtsgemeinschaft. Gemeinsam in Europa, gemeinsam für Europa. Hrsg. von Udo Fink, Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Krzysztof Oplustil, Przemyslaw Roguski. – Baden-Baden: Nomos 2021. 161 S. (Rechtstransformation in der Europäischen Union. 13.), Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 87 (2023), 213–217.

Forschungspapier (4)

Mateusz Grochowski, The Sound of RBG, 2023, https://verfassungsblog.de/the-sound-of-rbg/, 08.12.2023.
Mateusz Grochowski, From Contract Law to Online Speech Governance, 2023, https://doi.org/10.17176/20230518-140256-0, 18.05.2023.
Mateusz Grochowski, Katarzyna Południak-Gierz, EU private international law in internet-related disputes: the Polish case law approach, Florence: European University Institute, EUI RSCAS, 2020/69, Centre for Judicial Cooperation, 2020, https://hdl.handle.net/1814/68784, 03.11.2020.
Mateusz Grochowski, Lost in transition? Freedom of Contract in Poland and the Central European Experience, European University Institute Working Paper MWP 2020/08, 2020, 39 S., https://hdl.handle.net/1814/67671, 08.07.2020.

Editorial (2)

Mateusz Grochowski, Consumer Law for a Post-Consumer Society, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 12 (2023), 1–3.
Mateusz Grochowski, Does European contract law need a new concept of vulnerability?, Journal of European Consumer and Market Law 10 (2021), 133–135.
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