Rosario Espinosa Calabuig (University of Valencia): Sorority, Equality and Private International Law
Aktuelle Forschung im Internationalen Privatrecht
- Datum: 07.06.2022
- Uhrzeit: 11:00
- Ort: Online-Veranstaltung
About the speaker:
Rosario Espinosa Calabuig is Professor of Private International Law at the University of Valencia. Her research focus on several issues of international family law (child abduction, adoption, gender) as well as international trade law (maritime transport, arrest of ships, unfair competition). She is the author of books and articles on the aforementioned topics, as well as co-author of books and manuals published inside and outside Spain (Europe and Latin America). Professor Espinosa Calabuig is an active member of numerous interdisciplinary research groups and networks, national and international and she is currently Executive Director of the Revista General de Derecho Europeo.
About the topic:
Gender perspective in Private international law (PIL) can be claimed through the so-called Sorority: Solidarity between women against sexual discrimination. PIL becomes an ethical tool to fight for solidarity and against phenomena such as misogyny and sexism, among others. Different topics (such as application of Islamic law by national authorities, child abduction in cases of gender violence or transnational surrogacy) show how PIL can be a tool to promote equality rights and how sorority can reinforce this equality. So, there is a reciprocal influence between all of them.
Zur Vortragsreihe:
Die Veranstaltungsreihe „Aktuelle Forschung im Internationalen Privatrecht“ wird von Ralf Michaels und Michael Cremer organisiert. Gastreferent*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen des Instituts stellen hier ihre Arbeit zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen und Entwicklungen im Internationalen Privatrecht zur Diskussion. Die Workshops richten sich an Wissenschaftler*innen, die zum Internationalen Privatrecht forschen und sind gleichzeitig offen für alle Interessierten aus dem akademischen Kontext (Doktorand*innen und Student*innen eingeschlossen).
Rosario Espinosa Calabuig is Professor of Private International Law at the University of Valencia. Her research focus on several issues of international family law (child abduction, adoption, gender) as well as international trade law (maritime transport, arrest of ships, unfair competition). She is the author of books and articles on the aforementioned topics, as well as co-author of books and manuals published inside and outside Spain (Europe and Latin America). Professor Espinosa Calabuig is an active member of numerous interdisciplinary research groups and networks, national and international and she is currently Executive Director of the Revista General de Derecho Europeo.
About the topic:
Gender perspective in Private international law (PIL) can be claimed through the so-called Sorority: Solidarity between women against sexual discrimination. PIL becomes an ethical tool to fight for solidarity and against phenomena such as misogyny and sexism, among others. Different topics (such as application of Islamic law by national authorities, child abduction in cases of gender violence or transnational surrogacy) show how PIL can be a tool to promote equality rights and how sorority can reinforce this equality. So, there is a reciprocal influence between all of them.
Zur Vortragsreihe:
Die Veranstaltungsreihe „Aktuelle Forschung im Internationalen Privatrecht“ wird von Ralf Michaels und Michael Cremer organisiert. Gastreferent*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen des Instituts stellen hier ihre Arbeit zu aktuellen Forschungsfragen und Entwicklungen im Internationalen Privatrecht zur Diskussion. Die Workshops richten sich an Wissenschaftler*innen, die zum Internationalen Privatrecht forschen und sind gleichzeitig offen für alle Interessierten aus dem akademischen Kontext (Doktorand*innen und Student*innen eingeschlossen).