Esther van Eijk: All in the family: Muslim and Christian family law practices in Syria
Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
- Datum: 08.03.2016
- Uhrzeit: 16:00
About the Speaker:
Esther van Eijk is a postdoctoral researcher working on projects on marriage,
divorce and religion at Maastricht University,
the Netherlands. She has
completed degrees in International Law and Arabic
at Leiden University (the
Netherlands), specializing in human
rights, refugee & gender
issues, and Islamic family law. Her PhD thesis
on Family Law in Syria (Leiden
University) is based on extensive, ethnographic
fieldwork in Damascus (Syria),
consisting of interviews and court
observations in three (Muslim
and Christian) personal status courts.
After her PhD, she moved as a
postdoctoral researcher to Maastricht University,
where she expanded her research
activities towards religious marriage
and divorce practices, and
women’s rights issues in the Netherlands.
About the Topic:
Family relations in Syria are governed by a plurality of
religious-based personal status
laws and courts. The various religious
communities – Muslim,
Christian, Druze, and Jewish – have the right
to regulate matters of personal
status, including marriage, maintenance,
dissolution of marriage, child
custody, and inheritance, according
to their respective religious
laws. This plurality of laws and courts has
engendered a complex system of
parallel, and sometimes competing, jurisdictions
which are divided along
communal lines. Drawing on
material from her PhD fieldwork in Damascus,
Esther van Eijk will discuss
differences and similarities between sharʻiyya, Catholic and Greek-Orthodox personal status courts in
terms of legal practices and court procedures. Furthermore, whilst the
plurality of Syrian family law
is clear, she will argue that –
irrespective of the religious
affiliation – it is nevertheless
characterized by the prevalence of shared
cultural or patriarchal views
and norms on marital relations, family
and gender.
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