Monika Lindbekk (University of Oslo): Adjudicating Islamic Family Law in Egypt: Continuity and Rupture
Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
- Datum: 14.12.2017
- Uhrzeit: 16:00
About the Speaker:
Monika Lindbekk ia a senior lecturer in History of Religions and Sociology of
Law at the University of Oslo. Her PhD research focused on adjudication of Muslim and Orthodox Copt
marriage and divorce law by Egyptian
courts before and after the
2011 revolution. More generally, her research
focuses on the intersection between law, religion, and gender in this field. She is also the co-organizer of an international research collaboration dealing with Gender and
Judging in Muslim Courtsunder
the Law and Society Association.
About the Topic:
Relying on ethnographic fieldwork, the presentation investigates adjudication
of Muslim family Law by five Cairenese family courts during the period 2008-2013, a critical juncture in modern Egyptian history.Egypt
is an interesting case in point worth dwelling on since it illustrates the complexity of normative pluralism in
contemporary Muslim family law. Family
courts are important sites for the cultivation of religious subjectivities by promoting definitions of family, marriage, and
gender which differs from the
discourses elaborated in the manuals of fiqh. Here, judicial discourse is in dialogue and
interaction with ideas developed by 19th
century Muslim reformists, as well as global discourse promoting the conjugal
family. While the family codes and their implementation differ in important respects from fiqh, it is also important
to point out that there were
important continuities with traditional Islamic jurisprudence. The presentation exploreshow male and female judges on family courts construct idealized notions of family,
marriage, and gender relations by drawing
upon sources as diverse as legislation, custom, Quran, hadiths, uncodified fiqh, and international
conventions in a way that is sensitive
to context.
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