Dr. Morgan Clarke (University of Oxford): Islam and Law: Sharia within and without the State.
Afternoon Talk on Islamic Law
- Datum: 09.05.2019
- Uhrzeit: 16:00
About the Speaker:
Dr.Morgan Clarke is Associate Professor in Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of Keble College. He is the author of Islam and New Kinship: Reproductive Technology and the Shariah in Lebanon (Berghahn, 2009) and Islam and Law in Lebanon: Sharia within and without the State (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
About the Topic:
Under Lebanon’s confessional
legal and political
system, family legal matters for
Muslims fall under the jurisdiction of ‘sharia courts’ (mahakim shar‘iyya),
Sunni and Ja‘fari (Twelver Shi‘i). In this talk, Morgan Clarke
describes the legal
and social foundations
of these sharia courts,
as well as
their day to
day operations, based
on extensive fieldwork in the courts
in Beirut and
various textual resources.He
further describes the relationship between the sharia as understood
and applied in
these courts, within
the context of a
wider civil legal system and plural
religious society, and the sharia as
understood and practiced
outside of the
courts, in mosques, study circles
and the offices
of religious authorities.
There is a tension
between sharia as
law and sharia
as personal ethics
that Morgan Clarkeperceives as of more
general importance to the
study of
sharia, but also
to the comparative
study of law
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