The Institute has individually and cooperatively organized a series of comparative law symposia concerning Japanese law and has subsequently published various conference volumes.
Current events:
Past events:
Guest lectures
20 March 2024
Prof. Maki Saitō: The Coming Revision of the Japanese Takeover Law and Future Issues
(followed by a comment by Prof. Dr. Christoph Seibt)
16 February 2024
Prof. Dr. Keizō Yamamoto: Die Reform des japanischen Bürgschaftsrechts - unter besonderer Beachtung des Schutzes des Bürgen für Unternehmensschulden
(followed by a comment by Prof. Dr. Karl Riesenhuber)
Symposium in honor of Harald Baum’s 70th birthday, 1-3 September 2022
Event series "Russia's aggression against Ukraine: Conversations on law and policy implications for Japan and Germany"
Virtual panel discussion "Universitäten in Japan – Rankings, Studiengebühren und Systemrelevanz", 16 April 2021
Virtual conference "The Interpretation and Review of Contractual Terms in Asia: The Presentation of a Research Project", 8 December 2020
Virtual conference "Responses to the Coronavirus in Japanese and German law", 19/20 August 2020
Event series "Current developments in Japanese law"
13 March 2024
Digitale Güter, Vertragsauslegung, diversifizierte Arbeitswelt und Firm Value im japanischen Recht
22-23 August 2019
Schuldrechtsmodernisierung in Japan aus rechtsvergleichender Perspektive
25 March 2019
Japan: Responsibility and Liability of Digital Platforms, Corporate Law Reform and Profitability, Mediation in internationalen Kindschaftskonflikten
19 April 2018
Japan: Artificial Intelligence R&D Guidelines, Extraterritorial Application of Competition Law, Haftung für Familienmitglieder, Fragen zur Erbrechtsreform
5 September 2017
The Reform of Transport Law and Maritime Law in Japan and Germany
20 March 2017
Japan: Modernization of Payment Systems, Amendment of the Insurance Business Act, spezialisierte Spruchkörper, Family Law in Asia
21 March 2016
Space Activity Law, aktuelle Entwicklungen im internationalen Familienrecht und verfassungswidriges Wiederverheiratungsverbot für Frauen in Japan
23 March 2015
Die japanischen Reformen im Recht der Schuldverschreibungen und im Schuldrecht aus rechtsvergleichender Perspektive
3 March 2014
Dispute Resolution, Law and the Economy in Present-Day Japan
11 March 2013
New Developments in Company and Transport Law in Japan
Contributions to the event series are published regularly in the Journal of Japanese Law.
Symposia on the 20th anniversary of the Journal of Japanese Law
Self-regulation in Private Law in Japan and Germany
4-5 November 2016
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg
The term ‘self-regulation’ refers to those areas of life that cannot be left to market forces, but which should not be given over to state regulation. This phenomenon is gaining increasing attention in international legal discussion, and private law scholarship is just beginning the process of legal examination and comparative evaluation of it. This symposium aims to pursue these questions from a German-Japanese comparative law perspective.
The results of the symposium were published in a special issue of the Journal of Japanese Law:
Information Duties under Japanese and German Private Law
23-24 September 2016
Chūō-Universität, Tōkyō
In various areas of private law, information duties constitute something of a golden rule. The duties derive from a legal obligation to provide or make available context-specific information. In Germany as well as Japan, information and disclosure duties have significantly increased in the last 30 years, now serving as a basis of regulation in civil law, commercial law, company law, insurance law and capital market law, among other fields.
The results of the symposium were published in a special issue of the Journal of Japanese Law:
Conference Volumes from Symposia with the Participation of the Institute