
Videos and Podcasts on Institute research, including streamable lectures, conference presentations, and workshop sessions.

Ayad Yasin Husein Kokha (Salahaddin University-Erbil): The Legal Status of Children Born to ISIL Fighters under Iraqi and Yazidi Family Laws

Guest lecture as part of the series “Arab and Islamic Law to Go” on 4 February 2025. more

Shéhérazade Elyazidi: A New Theory of Family Law – Polygyny in Iraqi Kurdistan

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 5 November 2024. more

Are Rights of Nature Coming to the Global North?<br />New Developments

Conference on 5 September 2024. more

Saba Pipia, PhD (Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre/Caucasus University): Hate Speech Against Animals

Guest lecture as part of the series “Hamburg Forum on Comparative Animal Law” on May 2, 2024. more

Prof. Maneesha Deckha (University of Victoria): Animals as Legal Beings: Toward a Post-Anthropocentric Legal Ontology

Guest lecture as part of the series “Hamburg Forum on Comparative Animal Law” on May 2, 2024. more

Dr. Béligh Elbalti (Osaka University): 'Conflict of Laws’ in the Islamic Legal Tradition – Between the Principles of Personality and Territoriality of the Law

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 25 April 2024. more

Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Anne Röthel

Anne Röthel was appointed as Director of the Institute as of 1 January 2024. On the occasion of her induction on 18 April 2024, she presented her research agenda in her inaugural lecture. more

Prof. Nathan J. Brown (George Washington University/HIAS Hamburg): Does Studying Islam Change It? How Universities Structure Religion

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 22 February 2024. more

Max Planck Lawcast: Comparative Law in Action: Applying Foreign Law in German Courts

In the Max Planck Lawcast, Jan Peter Schmidt, Head of the Centre of Expertise for the Application of Foreign Law, discusses the long-standing tradition that the Institute has of providing expert opinions on foreign law for German courts. more

Max Planck Lawcast: New Kids on the Block—Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Germany and Iran

In the Max Planck Lawcast, Nadjma Yassari, head of the Research Group 'Changes in God’s Law', explains how societal beliefs and assumptions on the role of mothers and fathers have led legislatures in Germany and Iran to accept or reject egg donation to overcome infertility. more

Ari Schriber (Utrecht University): Sharīʿa, droit musulman, and Colonial Legality: The Conflict of “Paternity Claim” (istilḥāq) in Colonial-Era Moroccan Courts

Guest lecture as part of our series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 30 November 2023. more

How dramatic can wills and estates be?

How dramatic can wills and estates be?

Podcast November 01, 2023

Who can save the elderly from the clutches of greedy relatives? In this podcast, Ben Köhler, senior research fellow at the Institute, talks about good and bad wills, tropes of nineteenth-century masculinity, and court decisions that read like family sagas. (in German) more

Max Planck Lawcast: Unjust Enrichment and the Law of Obligations

In the Max Planck Lawcast, Valentin Pinel le Dret, Research Associate at the Institute, talks about the concept of unjust enrichment and the law of obligations. In particular, he addresses the historical dimension of the topic from the perspective of the legal systems of France and England. more

Decolonial Comparative Law Summer School 2023

Around 40 international legal scholars and practitioners came together at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law from 4-8 July 2023 for the Decolonial Comparative Law Summer School to discuss the various contexts of as well as the methodological approaches to decolonial comparative law. more

Latest Thinking: How Can Emergent National Identity Affect Family Law Reform?

Shéhérazade Elyazidi analyzes at Latest Thinking the interplay between the Kurdish-Iraqi national identity and the 2008 reform of Iraq’s Personal Status Law. more

Meet the Panelists: Conference "Succession in Islamic Law"

Meet some of the panelists of the international conference “Succession in Islamic Law”, which will take place at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law on 30 and 31 March 2023. more

International Criminal Law

International Criminal Law

Video January 11, 2023

Virtual roundtable as part of the series Russia's aggression against Ukraine: Conversations on law and policy implications for Japan and Germany on 11 January 2023. more

Ido Shahar (University of Haifa, Israel): Rupture or Continuity in Muslim Family Law: A New Look at the ‘Interpretative Viability’ of Codified Sharīʿa

Guest lecture as part of our series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 8 December 2022. more

Bundeswehr und japanische Selbstverteidigungskräfte vor dem Hintergrund der russischen Aggression

Virtual roundtable as part of the series Russia's aggression against Ukraine: Conversations on law and policy implications for Japan and Germany on 24 October 2022. more

PD Dr. Manfred Sing (University of Freiburg): Islamic Bioethics: Development, Characteristics, Challenges

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 6 October 2022. more

Show more
Ayad Yasin Husein Kokha (Salahaddin University-Erbil): The Legal Status of Children Born to ISIL Fighters under Iraqi and Yazidi Family Laws

Guest lecture as part of the series “Arab and Islamic Law to Go” on 4 February 2025. more

Shéhérazade Elyazidi: A New Theory of Family Law – Polygyny in Iraqi Kurdistan

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 5 November 2024. more

Are Rights of Nature Coming to the Global North?<br />New Developments

Conference on 5 September 2024. more

Saba Pipia, PhD (Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre/Caucasus University): Hate Speech Against Animals

Guest lecture as part of the series “Hamburg Forum on Comparative Animal Law” on May 2, 2024. more

Prof. Maneesha Deckha (University of Victoria): Animals as Legal Beings: Toward a Post-Anthropocentric Legal Ontology

Guest lecture as part of the series “Hamburg Forum on Comparative Animal Law” on May 2, 2024. more

Dr. Béligh Elbalti (Osaka University): 'Conflict of Laws’ in the Islamic Legal Tradition – Between the Principles of Personality and Territoriality of the Law

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 25 April 2024. more

Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr. Anne Röthel

Anne Röthel was appointed as Director of the Institute as of 1 January 2024. On the occasion of her induction on 18 April 2024, she presented her research agenda in her inaugural lecture. more

Prof. Nathan J. Brown (George Washington University/HIAS Hamburg): Does Studying Islam Change It? How Universities Structure Religion

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 22 February 2024. more

Ari Schriber (Utrecht University): Sharīʿa, droit musulman, and Colonial Legality: The Conflict of “Paternity Claim” (istilḥāq) in Colonial-Era Moroccan Courts

Guest lecture as part of our series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 30 November 2023. more

Decolonial Comparative Law Summer School 2023

Around 40 international legal scholars and practitioners came together at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law from 4-8 July 2023 for the Decolonial Comparative Law Summer School to discuss the various contexts of as well as the methodological approaches to decolonial comparative law. more

Latest Thinking: How Can Emergent National Identity Affect Family Law Reform?

Shéhérazade Elyazidi analyzes at Latest Thinking the interplay between the Kurdish-Iraqi national identity and the 2008 reform of Iraq’s Personal Status Law. more

Meet the Panelists: Conference "Succession in Islamic Law"

Meet some of the panelists of the international conference “Succession in Islamic Law”, which will take place at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law on 30 and 31 March 2023. more

International Criminal Law

International Criminal Law

Video January 11, 2023

Virtual roundtable as part of the series Russia's aggression against Ukraine: Conversations on law and policy implications for Japan and Germany on 11 January 2023. more

Ido Shahar (University of Haifa, Israel): Rupture or Continuity in Muslim Family Law: A New Look at the ‘Interpretative Viability’ of Codified Sharīʿa

Guest lecture as part of our series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 8 December 2022. more

Bundeswehr und japanische Selbstverteidigungskräfte vor dem Hintergrund der russischen Aggression

Virtual roundtable as part of the series Russia's aggression against Ukraine: Conversations on law and policy implications for Japan and Germany on 24 October 2022. more

PD Dr. Manfred Sing (University of Freiburg): Islamic Bioethics: Development, Characteristics, Challenges

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 6 October 2022. more

Professor Ahmed El Shamsy (University of Chicago): Is Islamic law ethical?

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 25 August 2022. more

Johanna Pink (University of Freiburg): The Global Qur’an. Transnational dimensions of Qur’an translation

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 9 June 2022. more

Latest Thinking: The Reformation of Greek-Orthodox Family Law: The Example of Jordan

Dörthe Engelcke explains at Latest Thinking why reforming the family laws of Christian communities in Middle Eastern countries is difficult. more

Eirik Hovden (University of Bergen): Waqf in Zaydi Yemen

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 28 April 2022. more

Show more
Max Planck Lawcast: Comparative Law in Action: Applying Foreign Law in German Courts

In the Max Planck Lawcast, Jan Peter Schmidt, Head of the Centre of Expertise for the Application of Foreign Law, discusses the long-standing tradition that the Institute has of providing expert opinions on foreign law for German courts. more

Max Planck Lawcast: New Kids on the Block—Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Germany and Iran

In the Max Planck Lawcast, Nadjma Yassari, head of the Research Group 'Changes in God’s Law', explains how societal beliefs and assumptions on the role of mothers and fathers have led legislatures in Germany and Iran to accept or reject egg donation to overcome infertility. more

How dramatic can wills and estates be?

How dramatic can wills and estates be?

Podcast November 01, 2023

Who can save the elderly from the clutches of greedy relatives? In this podcast, Ben Köhler, senior research fellow at the Institute, talks about good and bad wills, tropes of nineteenth-century masculinity, and court decisions that read like family sagas. (in German) more

Max Planck Lawcast: Unjust Enrichment and the Law of Obligations

In the Max Planck Lawcast, Valentin Pinel le Dret, Research Associate at the Institute, talks about the concept of unjust enrichment and the law of obligations. In particular, he addresses the historical dimension of the topic from the perspective of the legal systems of France and England. more

Ralf Michaels on colonial structures in the law

Europe and the U.S. continue to set the standards against which the rest of the world is measured. This is true also when it comes to how the law is conceived. Western structures are in some regards so thoroughly internalized that it can be hard to recognize them – which makes comparative law that much more valuable. Just how the discipline of comparative law can counter colonial ideas and allow for more legal diversity is explained in the podcast by Institute Director Ralf Michaels. (in German) more

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