Max Planck Private Law Research Paper Series – RPS/SSRN
The Institute’s Research Paper Series is published on the online platform of the Social Science Research Network. In existence since 2010, the Accepted Paper Series presents a selection of articles authored by Institute staff members which have recently been accepted for print publication in journals or edited volumes.
Aims and scope
Pursuant to Institute guidelines, the series publishes articles that have previously been accepted by a publishing house for (first) publication and that are either already in print or will be so shortly (Accepted Paper Series). Appearance in the RPS requires that a right of secondary publication has either been granted contractually or exists under the law. The Research Paper Series gives evidence of the broad spectrum of topics and publication bodies that Institute staff are involved with.
Institutional framework and procedure
The RPS editorial team at the Institute (Christian Eckl, Andrea Jahnke, and David Schröder-Micheel) identifies potential texts and, in partnership with the author, prepares them for online publication in the format developed for this purpose. Articles are, additionally, put together into an E-Journal that is sent by email from SSRN to all series subscribers. The stated aim of the series is to make the results of Institute research readily available to the public in a timely fashion and at no additional charge consistent with existing copyright law; publication will occur on SSRN and within the permissible bounds of copyright law. Towards this end, individual or framework agreements are entered into with publishers regarding the secondary publication rights of Institute staff members.
Depending on the specific copyright issues at hand, the initial publication of an article may occur initially solely as a preprint version of the full-length text that was accepted for publication. It is, however, the goal to have all contributions made available as early as possible in print-identical versions (post-print versions) which will then become a permanent part of the RPS.