Re-Publication Series in the MPS Repository – Re-Pub Series
The Re-Publication Series of the Institute came into existence in 2022 and operates in connection with the repository of the Max Planck Society. Consistent with the notion of green (self-archiving) open access, the Institute’s editorial team works to see that all publications by Institute staff can be republished here where this is feasible., both legally and factually.
Aims and scope
The Publication Repository of the Max Planck Society (MPG.PuRe) serves to systematically catalogue the bibliographic data associated with all publications authored by Institute staff members. Thereby it constitutes a kind of collection point for the Institute’s research as a whole. The Re-Publication Series aims to enrich these data sets – to the greatest extent possible – by making the corresponding publications freely accessible in full length. As with the Research Papers Series, the Re-Publication Series looks to seize upon existing secondary publication rights (in particular under § 38 (4) UrhG and under CC licences) and general publishing policies as well as individually reached agreements. On the basis of these provisions, it is possible in many cases to provide articles in the publisher’s layout or in the form of page- and text-concordant manuscript versions after certain waiting periods have expired.
In contrast to the Research Paper Series, the focus of the Re-Publication Series is on archiving contributions whose publication date may be further back in time. The decisive criterion for inclusion in the Re-Publication Series is that a published text can be attributed to the Institute, meaning that the work in question was authored by an individual affiliated with the Max Planck Institute.
Institutional framework and procedure
Editorial office member David Schröder-Micheel is responsible for the gathering and processing of all texts potentially subject to inclusion in the Re-Publication Series and also for coordination with the authors. The editorial team and student assistants provide support with administration, formatting, and editing.