External requests
Inter-library loan
The library is non-circulating, which means that materials in its collection cannot be checked out. The library does not take part in any national or international inter-library loan programmes.
Copies for scholarly use from journals and books that are not available elsewhere in Germany can be sent in accordance with the German inter-library loan system and the library’s fee structure. Before contacting the Institute, we ask that individuals first check the journal database (ZDB) or the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalog (KVK), and order copies, if necessary, from the document delivery system subito or the Fachinformation Recht of the Berlin State Library (StaBi).
Information services
Reference staff are available for immediate response to limited (non-legal) questions whose answers are readily available from the library collection.
More extensive research requests, which are subject to fees, must be submitted in the form of a written request that includes expressly agreeing to reimburse any costs arising from the request.
Please direct all inquiries regarding inter-library loan and information services to the Head of Reader Services, Ms Halsen-Raffel, at halsen@mpipriv.de.
1. Fees for copies made by the library
Base fee for up to 10 pages: | 10,00 € zuzügl. 19 % MwSt |
for scholarly purposes and inter-library loan, for each additional page (A4 copy): | 0,60 € zuzügl. 19 % MwSt |
for other purposes (for commercial use), for each additional page (A4 copy): | 1,00 € zuzügl. 19 % MwSt |
Mailing costs will be added.
2. Exceptions to the fee structure are to be decided by the Institute leadership.
This fee structure is effective as of 1 June 2019.
Images: © Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law