International Private and Procedural Law
Questions concerning international legal jurisdiction, cross-border cooperation among courts and judicial authorities, the applicability of foreign legal norms, and the legal force of national court decisions abroad form the foundation of this research area. The advancement of international private law, especially the growing body of conflict-of-law rules in EU legislation, informs the topics of many of the Institute’s research projects.
Event series
The virtual workshop series “Current Research in Private International Law" is organised by Prof. Dr. Ralf Michaels and Michael Cremer. The series features guest speakers and Institute staff members who present and discuss their work on current developments and research topics in private international law.
What role for private law and PIL? The principles of individual liberty and economic growth were fundamental to the development of modern private law in the nineteenth century. Today, however, with the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity looming, it looks untenable to keep chasing quantitively-measured growth that depends on unlimited exploitation of resources.
“It’s time for a re-evaluation in private law”, Ralf Michaels, director at the Institute, says.
In 2017, the Law to Combat Child Marriage came into force in Germany, preventing minors in Germany from entering into a marriage and rendering without effect marriages concluded by minors abroad. This law is now being subject to constitutional scrutiny. A team of academics led by Nadjma Yassari and Ralf Michaels has authored a comparative assessment for the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) that examines the phenomenon of early marriage in the context of various legal systems and cultures.
Private International Law (PIL) is seen by many as the most technical of all legal disciplines. Whereas theoretical questions and debate over the appropriate methodology tend to determine the issues addressed in the field, its philosophical underpinnings are mostly neglected. In a parallel manner, PIL plays only a minimal role in legal philosophy. Addressing and closing this gap is the aim of a new interdisciplinary project.
Enabling all citizens of the world to live in dignity while preserving our natural resources is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. This challenge is reflected in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which have been set out by the United Nations. The project “The Private Side of Transforming our World – UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and the Role of Private International Law” aims to raise an awareness of how PIL – with its methods and institutions – is also capable of making a significant contribution in the quest for sustainable development.
With the steady advance of globalisation, the practical significance of private international law has grown significantly. The array of private international law questions arising in disputes and court procedures stemming from cross-border private relations has become standard fare for legal practitioners.With the Encyclopedia of Private International Law, there now exists a reference work that explores these developments not only thematically but also from a country-specific perspective.
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