In the Spotlight

Background and substance: More about the Institute and our current research projects.

Social Entrepreneurship as a Model for the Future: Legal assessment of a new economic sector

Addressing social challenges with entrepreneurial means has become a global trend. Especially among the younger generation of founders, a combined focus on the common good and earning profits is seen as a desirable organizational model. However, the legal framework underlying such endeavours is still poorly developed. A project led by Institute Director Holger Fleischer is exploring this subject from an interdisciplinary perspective. more

Sustainability and Individual Liberty

What role for private law and PIL? The principles of individual liberty and economic growth were fundamental to the development of modern private law in the nineteenth century. Today, however, with the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity looming, it looks untenable to keep chasing quantitively-measured growth that depends on unlimited exploitation of resources. “It’s time for a re-evaluation in private law”, Ralf Michaels, director at the Institute, says. more

Academic Publishing in Transition: Open science through open access

Academic publishing and the use of academic literature are in the midst of a profound process of change. In accord with the new core principles, the results of publicly funded research should be freely accessible and participation in global academic discourse should not be dependent on having the necessary financial resources. Open access is a first and essential step towards an open science conception and structure of academic practice – and it is a model also guiding the Institute’s approach towards publication. more

Ceremonial inauguration of Anne Röthel

Anne Röthel, former holder of the Chair of Civil Law, European and Private International Law at Bucerius Law School, was appointed as Director of the Institute as of 1 January 2024. On the occasion of her induction on 18 April 2024, she presented her research agenda in her inaugural lecture. (video available) more

International Women’s Day – Perspectives on a Career in Legal Scholarship

Although the percentage of women studying law stands at roughly 60 per cent, there are still comparatively few female professors. As of 1 January 2024, Professor Anne Röthel became the first women appointed as a Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. How does she the prospects for women in the world of legal scholarship? more

Institute Facts and Figures

Institute Facts and Figures

February 15, 2024

Legal research seldom boils down to numbers. But it does come with measurable parameters. Here we have assembled the most important metrics about our Institute. more

Anne Röthel – New Director at the Institute

With the start of 2024, Anne Röthel assumes the position of Director at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, succeeding Reinhard Zimmermann, who retired in 2022. The internationally renowned legal scholar comes to the Institute after previously having held the Chair of Civil Law, European and International Civil Law at Bucerius Law School. more

Self-reflection in Corporate Law. An interim assessment and a look ahead

Discourse analysis has a long tradition in academia. In the context of his research on the "microcosm of corporate law", Holger Fleischer undertakes to assess corporate law as an academic discipline. Having reference to Pierre Bourdieu, he states that a necessary condition of academic work is a critical examination of the traditions of thought and research that are specific to a given discipline. more

Research in a place of freedom and safety

Private Law Gazette 1/2023 – The danger and uncertainty resulting from persecution, war or catastrophe often make it difficult or even impossible to pursue scholarly work. Through a variety of programs, the Institute offers several researchers whose countries of origin pose particular dangers the chance to continue their academic work. Three of them describe their current situation. more

Commentary on Supply Chain Act. Orientation for a demanding interdisciplinary topic

Private Law Gazette 2/2022 – Germany is the world's third-largest import nation. The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), adopted by the German Bundestag on 11 July 2021, was preceded by long and difficult debates. For some, the law is a milestone in the fight against exploitation and environmental destruction in developing countries. For others, the legislation creates unreasonable burdens and competitive disadvantages for local companies. In addition, there are many unresolved legal issues, making factual orientation all the more important. more

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