News from the Research Group on law in Islamic countries

Shéhérazade Elyazidi: A New Theory of Family Law – Polygyny in Iraqi Kurdistan

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 5 November 2024. more

Access to Afghan family law for legal practice

When addressing civil law issues with an international aspect, German courts frequently need to apply foreign law. For a number of years, the Institute has been supporting the resolution of family law issues relating to Iraq and Syria by making legal materials and commentaries available online in German. The information portal has now been supplemented with up-to-date information on Afghan law. more

Nadjma Yassari appointed director of the Swiss Institute of Comparative Law

Nadjma Yassari, senior research fellow and head of the research group on Islamic Law at the Institute, will assume the role of director at the Swiss Institute for Comparative Law (SIR) as of 1 August 2024. more

Dr. Béligh Elbalti (Osaka University): 'Conflict of Laws’ in the Islamic Legal Tradition – Between the Principles of Personality and Territoriality of the Law

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 25 April 2024. more

Prof. Nathan J. Brown (George Washington University/HIAS Hamburg): Does Studying Islam Change It? How Universities Structure Religion

Guest lecture as part of the series “Afternoon Talks on Islamic Law” on 22 February 2024. more

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