Matthias Pendl receives Heinrich Graf Hardegg’sche Foundation Grant

March 19, 2024

Matthias Pendl, senior research fellow at the Institute, has received post-doctoral funding from the Heinrich Graf Hardegg’sche Stiftung, a Viennese foundation.

Founded in 1893, the foundation supports excellent research in the fields of law and macroeconomics. Pendl is habilitating with a study of first-purchase rights such as rights of first refusal, first offer, and similar contractual devices. His research includes doctrinal, economic, comparative law and legal-historical perspectives. Pendl is also analysing the techniques attorneys use in drafting contracts to establish such rights.

Dr Matthias Pendl studied law at Karl Franzens University in Graz. After finishing his doctorate there in 2017, and having worked at the Institute as a research associate from 2014 to 2017, Pendl returned to the Institute in 2018 as a senior research fellow. His work focuses on national and international corporate law. He has been giving courses at Bucerius Law School and the University of Hamburg since 2018 as well.

Image: © Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law / Johanna Detering

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