A broad spectrum of topics in the current ZJapanR
Issue 55 (2023) of the Journal of Japanese Law (ZJapanR) once again covers a wide range of issues in contemporary Japanese law. Topics covered include civil liability for US military bases, private insurance in the Japanese healthcare system, the Japanese Personal Data Protection Act, the right to repair, reform of the statutory scheme on sexual offences, and climate change lawsuits.
In his article "Le régime japonais de responsabilité civile du fait des bases américaines", Eric Seizelet discusses the general principles and conditions governing the civil liability of US soldiers and civilian members of the armed forces stationed in Japan. He also explores the role of judicial proceedings in environmental cases involving US bases.
Three additional articles, also in French, are the product of a French-Canadian-Japanese comparative research project on the legal foundations of public and private health insurance. Among the considered aspects, they provide an overview of Japanese insurance contract law and focus on the nature of private health insurance coverage in Japan, addressing in particular its relationship to public insurance and the role of cooperative insurance.
In his paper examining the Personal Data Protection Act, Bernd Götze presents the most important aspects of Japan's data protection regime and concludes that it is quite effective by international standards.
The current issue includes a number of other substantive articles and is rounded out by a number of book reviews, event reports, and summaries of Japanese case law.
ZJapanR is the world's only publication outside Japan that regularly documents and analyses the diverse lines of development of Japanese law in Western European languages in a timely manner. Questions about the journal can be answered by Kristina Konrad, Secretary General of the German-Japanese Association of Jurists. She can be reached at DJJV-GS@web.de.
Image: © Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law