Recent Publications

Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Non-State Rules of Law, in: Anton Vladimirovič Asoskov, Daria Levina, Milana Karayanidi (eds.), Private International Law in Russia, Hart, London 2024.
Journal Article
Andrey Shirvindt, Die UNIDROIT-Grundregeln und ähnliche nichtstaatliche Regelwerke in der höchstrichterlichen Rechtsprechung Russlands, Deutsch-Russische Rechtszeitschrift 9 (2024), 33–45.
Contribution to a Handbook
Andrey Shirvindt, Former Soviet States of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia, in: Mathias Siems, Po Jen Yap (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2024, 275–301.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, No Ordinary Remedies for Extraordinary Situations? Some Remarks on the Fate of the Hardship Provisions of the Russian Civil Code, in: Giorgio Giannone Codiglione, Leonardo Pierdominici (eds.), Comparative Law in Times of Emergencies, Roma Tre Press, Roma 2022, 269–288.
Journal Article
Andrey Shirvindt, Zum Verhältnis von Gesetzgebung und höchstgerichtlichen Richtlinien in einer postsozialistischen Rechtsordnung: am Beispiel der Erläuterungen vom Obersten Gerichtshof Russlands zur Reform des Zivilgesetzbuches, Deutsch-Russische Rechtszeitschrift 7 (2022), 155–167.
Book Review
Andrey Shirvindt, Dario Mantovani, Legum multitudo. Die Bedeutung der Gesetze im römischen Privatrecht / transl. from Italian by Ulrike Babusiaux; with an epilogue by Jakob F. Stagl (Berlin 2018), Vestnik drevnej istorii [Journal of Ancient History] 82, 3 (2022), 736–740.
Collected Edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Nikolay Scherbakov (eds.), Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law], 4. ed., Statut, Moskau 2021, 490 pp.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, The UNIDROIT Principles as Reference for the Uniform Interpretation of National Laws: National Report for Russian Federation, in: Alejandro M. Garro, José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez (eds.), Use of the UNIDROIT Principles to Interpret and Supplement Domestic Contract Law, Springer, Cham 2021, 303–325.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Die juristische Literaturlandschaft Russlands. Eine Kommentarwüste, in: David Kästle-Lamparter, Nils Jansen, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), Juristische Kommentare: Ein internationaler Vergleich (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht, 133), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2020, 203–226.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Dmitry Dozhdev (ed.)Andrey Shirvindt (tran.), Übersetzung, in: Dmitry Dozhdev (ed.), Gai Institutiones, Moskau 2020, Gai., 4.34–187.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Artyom G. Karapetov, Andrey Shirvindt, Freedom of Contract in Respect of Price Terms in Russian Law: With a Special Focus on Price Terms in Standard Form Contracts, in: Yeşim M. Atamer, Pascal Pichonnaz (eds.), Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts, Springer, Cham 2020, 531–560.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Chapters on pluralities of debtors and creditors, contracts in favor of a third party, assignment, in: E. A. Suchanov (ed.), Graždanskoe pravo: učebnik [Civil Law: A Textbook], vol. 3, Statut, Moskau 2020, 39–70.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Ponjatie iska o priznanii prava sobstvennosti v rossijskoj pravovoj nauke [The Concept of the Declaratory Action for Ownership in the Russian Legal Science], in: O. M. Kozyr', R. V. Makin (eds.), Veščnye prava: Sbornik rabot vypusknikov Rossijskoj školy častnogo prava [Rights in Rem: Collected Papers of Alumni of the Russian School of Private Law], Statut, Moskau 2020, 396–460.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Kommentarii k perevodu latinskoj juridičeskoj terminologii [Commentaries on Translation of the Latin Legal Terminology], in: Dmitry Dozhdev (ed.), Gai Institutiones, Moskau 2020, 342–352.
Journal Article
Ekaterina Khodzhaeva, Andrey Shirvindt, Čto čitajut studenty juridičeskiсh vuzov: pervye rezulʹtaty issledovanija [What Do Law Students Read: First Research Results], Zakon [The Statute] 9 (2019), 85–89.
Collected Edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Nikolay Scherbakov (eds.), Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law], 3. ed., Statut, Moskau 2019, 376 pp.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Chapters on third party’s consent to a transaction, invalidity and representation, in: E. A. Suchanov (ed.), Graždanskoe pravo: učebnik [Civil Law: A Textbook], vol. 1, Statut, Moskau 2019, 409–459, 479–496.
Andrey Shirvindt (ed.), Vestnik graždanskogo prava [Herald of Civil Law] (editorial board).
Andrey Shirvindt (ed.), Trudy Instituta gosudarstva i prava Rossijskoj akademii nauk [Works of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences] (editorial board).
Collected Edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Nikolay Scherbakov (eds.), Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law], 2. ed., Statut, Moskau 2018, 367 pp.
Book Review
Andrey Shirvindt, Wie pandektistisch war die Pandektistik? (ed. by H.-P. Haferkamp and T. Repgen) (Tübingen 2017), Vestnik graždanskogo prava [Herald of Civil Law] 1 (2018), 293–311.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Programma speckursa “Sravnitel'noe dogovornoe pravo” [Comparative Contract Law: A Course Syllabus], in: E. A. Suchanov (ed.), Graždanskoe pravo: Učebnye programmy obščich i special'nych kursov [Civil Law: Syllabi of General and Special Courses], Moskau 2018, 228–232.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Russian Federation, in: H. Sikirić, T. Jakšić (eds.), 35 Years of CISG – Present Experiences and Future Challenges, Zagreb 2017, 387–407.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Il ruolo della finzione nel diritto delle persone in Roma antica. Sull’esempio della formula dell’adrogatio, in: L. Monaco, O. Sacchi (eds.), Individui e res publica dall’esperienza giuridica romana alle concezioni contemporanee. Il problema della ‘persona,’ Satura, Napoli 2017, 369–378.
Conference Report
Andrey Shirvindt, Institucii Gaja: opyt i perspektivy issledovanija. Hronika naučnogo seminara [Institutes of Gaius: Research Experiences and Perspectives. Academic Seminar Report], Vestnik drevnej istorii [Journal of Ancient History] 77, 1 (2017), 238–243.
Case Note
Andrey Shirvindt, A Commentary to the Rulings of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2017 in case No. 51-КГ17-2 and of August 31, 2017 in case No. 305-ЭС17-6839, А40-14774/2016 [penalty clauses], Arbitražnaja praktika dlja juristov [Arbitrazh Practice for Lawyers] 12 (2017), 28–29.
Andrey Egorov, Ekaterina Papchenkova, Andrey Shirvindt, Predstavitel'stvo: issledovanie sudebnoj praktiki [Representation: A Survey of Case Law] 2016, 384 pp.
Collected Edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Nikolay Scherbakov (eds.), Opyty civilističeskogo issledovanija [Essays in Civil Law], Statut, Moskau 2016, 447 pp.
Contribution to a Collected edition
Andrey Shirvindt, Reforming the Russian Civil Code – A Search for Better Law-Making, in: Jürgen Basedow, Holger Fleischer, Reinhard Zimmermann (eds.), Legislators, Judges, and Professors, Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2016, 41–62.
Book Review
Andrey Shirvindt, David Kästle-Lamparter, Welt der Kommentare: Struktur, Funktion und Stellenwert juristischer Kommentare in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Tübingen 2016), Vestnik graždanskogo prava [Herald of Civil Law] 4 (2016), 222–229.
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