Dr. Mateusz Grochowski, LL.M. (Yale)
Associate Professor of Law at Tulane University School of Law
Main Fields of Research
contract theory, European private law (especially consumer law), Polish private law, comparative Law and methodology, digital markets, intersections of private law and fundamental rights

Mateusz Grochowski obtained his Ph.D. cum laude at the Institute of Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences (supervised by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ewa Łętowska), receiving the prize for the best Polish dissertation in private law. He holds a title of Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the Yale Law School.
He is an Affiliated Fellow at the Information Society Project (Yale Law School) and was an Emile Noël Fellow at New York University School of Law. Prior to joining the Max Planck Institute, he was a Fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics and at Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University and a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute. He was also appointed as a Member of the Office of Studies and Analyses of the Supreme Court of Poland.
He received several scholarships and awards, including the Fox International Fellowship (Yale) and a scholarship for outstanding legal researchers from the Foundation for Polish Science.
He was a teacher and a guest lecturer in various academic institutions, including Fordham University School of Law, University of Münster, University of Trento, European University Institute, University of Wrocław and the College of Europe. He participated as a principal researcher in several research projects, funded inter alia by the Polish National Science Centre, the National Agency for Academic Exchange, the German-Italian Center for European Dialogue (Villa Vigoni), and the European Commission. He co-founded and co-leads the European Law Group of the Max Planck Law network. He is also a Member of the Research Group on the Law of Digital Services of the European Law Institute and an editor at the “Journal of European Consumer and Market Law” (EuCML) as well as at the “Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationals Privatrecht” (RabelsZ).
Mateusz Grochowski has been Associate Professor of Law at Tulane University School of Law in New Orleans since July 2024.