† Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Jürgen Basedow, LL.M. (Harvard Univ.) (1949-2023)
Main Fields of Research
Private International Law, European Private and Economic Law, especially Competition Law, Transport and Traffic Law, Insurance Law

Born on September 29. 1949 in Hamburg, Germany, Studies in law and sociology at the universities of Hamburg, Geneva/Switzerland and Pavia/Italy. 1977 Visiting Research Fellow at the Asser Institute for International Law at The Hague, 1977-1978 Research Assistant at the Institute of Comparative Law at Paris; 1974 and 1979 First and Second State Examination in Law at Hamburg, Dr. iur. (Univ. of Hamburg), 1980-1981 Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., LL.M., 1979-1986 Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute, Hamburg, 1986 Dr. iur. habil. (Univ. of Hamburg).
1987-1995 Professor of Private Law, Comparative Law, Private International Law, International Litigation and International Economic Law at the University of Augsburg, 1993- 1994 Dean of that Faculty, 1995-1997 Professor of Private Law, Private International Law and International Economic Law at the Free University of Berlin, 1997-2017 Director, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg and Professor at the University of Hamburg.
Visiting Professor: Univ. of Ferrara (1989, 1991), Univ. of Genoa (1989, 1991), Univ. of Lyon III (1992, 1997), Univ. of Pittsburgh, Pa. (1993), Univ. of Verona (1999), Univ. of Rotterdam (2000), Univ. of Paris II (2001), Univ. of Tunis II (2002), Univ. of Oxford (2003), New York University (2011 and 2015); Lomonosov State Univ. Moscow (2015 and 2017); Hague Academy of International Law: 1997 Course on International Competition Law (in French) and 2012: General Course on Private International Law (in English); Marco Polo Fellow at the Silk Road Institute of International Law of Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (2008).
Membership in Governmental Advisory Committees: 1988-1991 Vice Chairman of the German Deregulation Committee (Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs), 1988-now German Council of Private International Law (Federal Ministry of Justice), 1992-1993 Committee on the Licensing of Mass Consignments (Federal Ministry of Post and Communications), 1992- 1996 Committee on Transport Law (Federal Ministry of Justice), 1996-2002 Referee of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council) for Comparative Law, Private International Law and International Litigation, 1997-2000 Advisory Board of the Federal Ministry of Transport, 2000-2008 Member of the German Monopoly Commission, 2004-2008 its Chairman, 2000-2004 Committee on Insurance Law (Federal Ministry of Justice), 2004-2005 Think Tank on Private Enforcement of DG Competition of the European Commission, 2005-2010 Advisory Board of the German Supervisory Authority for Financial Services (BAFIN), 2013-2015 European Commission Expert Group on a European Insurance Contract Law.
Academic Societies: Titular Member (since 1998) and Secretary General (2006- 2014) of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Member of the Institut de Droit International (2011-2017 Associate, since 2017 Titular Member), 1998-now Member and President (2006-2008) of the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law, 1998-2000 Member of the German-American Academic Council, Member of the Group Européen de droit international privé (GEDIP) (since 2000, 2015-2018 President), 1999-2015 Member of the Project Group "Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law", Member of the Executive Board (2005-2009) and of the Advisory Board (since 2009) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationales Recht, 2000-now Member of the Academia Europaea, Member of the Scientific Council Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (since 2007), Chairman of the Board of the Deutsch-Türkische Juristenvereinigung (1998-2012), Member of the Board of Trustees (2007-2013) and of the Executive Board (since 2009) of the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung, Member of the American Law Institute (since 2008), Member of the Board of Trustees of the International Foundation for the Law of the Sea (since 2009).
Honours: 1979 Otto Hahn Medal, Max Planck Society; 1987 Kurt Hartwig Siemers Award, Hamburg Scientific Foundation; 1989 Award of the Stinnes Foundation; Certificate of merit for high technical craftsmanship and utility to practicing lawyers and scholars 2018 awarded by the American Society of International Law for the Encyclopedia of Private International Law; 2002 honorary doctorate in law (Dr. jur. h.c.) awarded by the University of Stockholm; 2008 honorary professorate at Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.; 2012 honorary doctorate in economics (Dr. rer. pol. h.c.) awarded by Leuphana University, Lüneburg, 2012 honorary doctorate (Dr. jur. h.c.) awarded by Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2013 honorary doctorate (Dr. jur. h.c.) awarded by Kyushu University in Fukuoka, 2016 honorary doctorate (Dr. jur. H.c.) awarded by Université Panthéon Assas – Paris II, 2019 honorary doctorate (Dr. iur. h.c.) awarded by the Universitat de València, Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (since 2007).
Academic administration: 1993-1994 Dean of the Faculty of Law, Univ. of Augsburg; 2000-2003 Chairman of the Humanities Section, Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Science; 2004-2006 Acting Director of the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen.
Jürgen Basedow died on 6 April 2023. His obituary can be found here.