Prof. Dr. Anne Röthel
Main Fields of Research
Law of the Person, the Family, and Private Life; Law and Society in Comparative Perspective; Law as Discourse

As of 1 January 2024, Anne Röthel became Director at the Institute; she remains professor at Bucerius Law School, where until the end of 2023 she held the Chair of Civil Law, European and Private International Law.
In 1993, after studying at the Universities of Cologne and Clermont-Ferrand as a grantee of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, she sat for her first state examination in law in Cologne. In 1994 she was accepted as a scholarship recipient of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the University of Trier’s Institute for Environmental and Technology Law, where in 1997 she earned her doctorate with a thesis in the field of constitutional law. Subsequently, she served as a research assistant at the Institute of Law and Technology at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. There, under the supervision of Prof. Vieweg, she commenced her post-doctoral project in the field of legal theory (“Normkonkretisierung im Privatrecht”). Following a two-year stay in Brussels in which she conducted research and undertook a legal internship, she returned in 2000 to the Institute of Law and Technology in Erlangen and in 2003 was awarded her professorial qualification (Habilitation). She was subsequently awarded a Heisenberg Scholarship from the German Research Foundation. In 2004 was appointed professor at Bucerius Law School.
From 2004 forward she taught and conducted researched at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. She received professorial tenders from Zürich and Bochum, both of which were declined. Since 2010 she has been annually invited to serve as guest professor at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas; additional research stays led her to Oxford and Kyoto. She is a member of, amongst others, the Association of Comparative Law (Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung), the German Association of Professors in Private Law (Zivilrechtslehrervereinigung), the Association Henri Capitan, the German Section of the International Commission of Jurists, and the Working Group for Legal Studies and Contemporary History at the Academy of Science and Literature in Mainz. As of 2024, Anne Röthel is co-editor of the journal FamRZ - Zeitschrift für das gesamte Familienrecht.
Recent Publication

Anne Röthel, Körperliche Selbstbestimmung. Dogmen, Diskurse, Deutungen, Klostermann, Frankfurt 2024, 332 S.