Six papers on „The Law of Early Marriage” available in Open Access

December 17, 2020

German constitutional law, European law, and public international law, all pose requirements for the regulation of early marriage. Members of the Max Planck Institute for Private Law analyze these requirements in six papers, which are now freely available on SSRN. These preprint papers will also appear in a volume on “The Law of Early Marriage” ["Die Frühehe im Recht"] that will be published early next year, under the editorship of Nadjma Yassari and Ralf Michaels, Director at the Institute.

Who enters into early marriages and why? Where early marriage is allowed, what conditions must be met? Will an early marriage which takes place abroad be recognized domestically? What rights and limits are prescribed by constitutional law, European law and international law? An edited volume which is due for publication in Spring 2021, examines these questions across four continents and in doing so facilitates a critical analysis of German law.

Six articles in the edited volume analyze what provisions exist in German constitutional law, European Law, and public international law with respect to early marriage. The articles, as well as the full report, are now available in Open Access on SSRN in the series "Max Planck Private Law Research Paper Series":

Public international law and European law requirements

Antonia Sommerfeld: Völkerrechtliche Anforderungen an die Frühehe (Public International Law Requirements in Relation to Early Marriage)

Raphael de Barros Fritz: Art. 13 Abs. 3 Nr. 1 EGBGB aus der Perspektive des Europarechts (Art. 13 Para. 3 No. 1 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) from the Perspective of European Law)

Requirements of German constitutional law

Dieter Martiny: Die ausländische Frühehe und der Schutz der Ehe nach Art. 6 Abs. 1 GG (Foreign Early Marriage and the Protection of Marriage under Art. 6 Para 1 of the German Basic Law)

Christoph Schoppe: Art. 13 Abs. 3 Nr. 1 EGBGB und die kindesspezifischen Gewährleistungen der Verfassung: Frühehe, Kindeswohl und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung (Art. 13 Para. 3 No. 1 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) and Child-specific Constitutional Guarantees: Early Marriage, the Best Interests of the Child and Personal Development)

Christine Toman und Jakob Olbing: Die ausländische Frühehe vor dem allgemeinen Gleichheitssatz (Foreign Early Marriage in Relation to the Principle of Equal Treatment)

Samuel Zeh: Die ausländische Frühehe und das Rückwirkungsverbot (Foreign Early Marriage and the Principle of Non-retroactivity) 

Nadjma Yassari, Ralf Michaels (ed): Die Frühehe im Recht – Praxis, Rechtsvergleich, Kollisionsrecht, höherrangiges Recht, (Beiträge zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2021 (forthcoming)


Full Report

Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht: Die Frühehe im Rechtsvergleich: Praxis, Sachrecht, Kollisionsrecht (Early Marriage in Comparative Law: Practice, Substantive Law, Choice of Law), RabelsZ 84 (2020) 705-785


More information: Early marriage in the constitutional spotlight


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