† Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker (1926-2024)

Former Director at the Institute (1979-1994)

Main Fields of Research

German, European and Int. Economic Law (main emphasis on Law of Telecommunications and Electronic Media, Competition Law and Intellectual Property Law)


Born on Sept. 25, 1926 in Hameln/Weser. Doctorate: Frankfurt/Main (1953). Habilitation: Frankfurt/Main (1958). Since 1959 tenured Prof.

Teaching Appointments: Georgetown Univ. Law School, Washington, D.C (1956/57); Univ. of Saarbrücken (1959–1963); Univ. of Münster (1963–1969); Univ. of Bielefeld (1969–1978); Univ. of Hamburg (since 1980). Guest Professorships: Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor (1965, 1976, 2000).

1984-1990 Vice President of the Max Planck Soc.; since 1992 Honorary Senator of the MPS.

1960-2006 Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology; 1960-1970 Special Adviser of the EEC Commission on Competition Law and the Approximation of Laws; 1967-1969 Foundation Rector of the Univ. of Bielefeld; 1973-1978 Chairman of the German Monopolies Commission; since 1997 Member and 2000-2002 Chairman of the Commission on Concentration in the Media (KEK).

1980 Ludwig-Erhard-Award for Economic Policy; 1980 Honorary Doctor of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Univ. of Cologne; 1981 1st Class Cross of Merit of the Federal Order of Merit; 1983 Honorary Senator of the Univ. of Bielefeld; 1984 Ernst Hellmut Vits-Award of the Soc. for the Promotion of the Westphalian Wilhelms-Univ. of Münster; 1994 Order Pour le mérite for Sciences and Arts; 1997 Hanns Martin Schleyer-Award; 1997 Great Cross of Merit with Star of the Federal Order of Merit; 2009 Awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, University of Bielefeld; 2009 Friedrich August von Hayek Medal of the Hayek-Gesellschaft.

Commemorative volumes: RabelsZ 60 (1986) Volumes 5+6 commemorating 60th Birthday and Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag, edited by Immenga/Möschel/Reuter, Nomos, Baden-Baden 1996.

Festschriften: Immenga/Möschel/Reuter (ed.), Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden 1996; Einhorn, Talia (ed.). Spontanous Order, Organization and the Law, Liber Amicorum T.M.C. Asser Press 2003; Engel/Möschel (ed.), Recht und spontane Ordnung, Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden 2006.

Ernst-Joachim Mestmäcker died on 24 April 2024. His obituaries can be found here (Holger Fleischer und Heike Schweitzer) and here (WANG Xiaoye).

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