Christina Lemke, LL.M. (Cantab)
Main Fields of Research
Company law, capital markets, law & economics
Christina Lemke studied law at the University of Hamburg and Seoul National University on scholarships from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation. She worked as a student assistant under Professor Jeßberger at the Lehrstuhl für Völkerstrafrecht (Chair for international criminal law). She completed her first state examination in law in 2021 before turning to LL.M. studies at the University of Cambridge (Clare College, Commercial Designation), likewise with support from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation as well as from the German Academic Exchange Service.
In 2022 she began working on a doctoral dissertation at the Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law at the University of Hamburg under the supervision of Professor Ringe. She is currently a research associate under Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Holger Fleischer, LL.M. parallel to her doctoral studies.