Guest Lecture Professor Horatia Muir Watt: Capitalism’s Boundary Struggles: a Private International Law Approach
Current Research in Private International Law
- Date: Mar 2, 2021
- Time: 11:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- Location: online
About the speaker:
Horatia Muir Watt is Professor at the Law School, Sciences-Po Paris. She teaches and publishes in the field of private international law and comparative law, where she develops critical and interdisciplinary approaches. She is Director of the Revue critique de droit international privé. She was elected in 2013 to the Institute of International Law and in 2018 to the Institut Universitaire de France.
About the topic:
Our current awareness of crisis (whether sanitary, ecological, financial, economic, social etc) has led to various reflections and initiatives within law designed for the most part to improve regulation. The focus of this paper is very different and builds upon research currently conducted within the Globinar “Law Crisis and Capitalism” (with H. Alviar and G. Frankenberg). It starts from the idea that the “boundary struggles” that produce crises are endemic to capitalism's modus operandi (as in the “critical conversation” between N. Fraser and R. Jaeggi). This metaphor suggests that private international law is a good place to think about the role of law in the generation, evolution, exacerbation or pacification of such conflicts that arise at the frontiers of different spheres. In this presentation, I shall suggest a few areas in which an analysis in terms of private international law’s political economy may be instructive.
About the workshop series:
The virtual workshop series “Current Research in Private International Law" is organised by Prof. Dr. Ralf Michaels and Christine Toman. The series features guest speakers and Institute staff members who present and discuss their work on current developments and research topics in private international law. The workshops are geared to scholars who are researching in the field of private international law, but attendance is open to all individuals having an academic interest (including doctoral candidates and students).