Gutachten zum internationalen und ausländischen Privatrecht – IPG

On behalf of the German Council for Private International Law (Deutscher Rat für Internationales Privatrecht), the Institute has since 1965 been part of a cooperative effort publishing selected expert reports (Gutachten) that have been prepared by the Institute or other academic entities for use primarily by German courts.

Aims and scope

The Gutachten demonstrate the extremely broad spectrum of cases in which there arise questions regarding foreign law or private international law. The expert reports thus enrich conflict-of-laws scholarship and are an aid to legal practice. The Gutachten are organized according to the field of law; further, since 1985 each year’s volume has included a systematic index.

Institutional framework

These volumes have been published since 2003 by the Gieseking publishing house in Bielefeld. They currently appear in the form of multi-year editions, with each comprising approximately 45 Gutachten and 750 pages. Ralf Michaels has the lead responsibility at the Institute. The other editors are presently Heinz-Peter Mansel (Cologne, managing editor since the 1999 edition) and Stephan Lorenz (Munich). The technical editor is Lukas Rademacher (Cologne).

Information for readers

The compilation and formatting of the Gutachten is done in editorial teams organized by the responsible editors.



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